Monday, August 6, 2007

One Month Anniversary

One month ago today my dad died. At times the last month has gone by really fast, other times it has gone by really slowly. I have gone longer periods of time not seeing my dad, but it was never PERMANENT. I always knew that I would see him again, or talk to him on the phone. But now, I don't get to see him anymore. Don't get to talk to him anymore and have him respond.

It's slowly getting better. I still miss him like crazy. I always will--nothing will ever change that. I am so grateful that I have my faith....I KNOW that I will see him again.

I love you Dad.

1 Totally cool people said::

Holly said...

Angela, so sorry to hear about the loss of your father! Time will heal and your memories will last forever!

Nice meeting you today on M2R!