Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all those dad's out there! My husband is a good dad to our kids. He is always playing with them and when he is not stressed he really takes the time to listen to them and their worries. He is as much of a kid as they are sometimes lol! Happy Father's day honey! We love you!!

Yesterday I was folding laundry when thoughts turned to my dad. I don't know why, but they did. All of a sudden I was just gasping for breath the grief was so overwhelming. I kept trying to take a breath, tears streaming down my face. I was listening to a CD that I had made that was just a random mix of songs. All of a sudden a song that was played at my dad's funeral came on. I don't know if it was coincidence or not. Probably was. But I tend to think there is more at work here than any of us realize.

I miss my dad SO much. Especially today. It's the first Father's day in 24 years he hasn't been here. I guess I just got used to him being here.

I love you Dad. I miss you SO much. Happy Father's Day.

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