Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to my sweet girl! AGAIN!

Today is my sweet girls 8th birthday. No matter how many times I tell her to stop growing up, she just refuses to listen. I don't like it.

I can't believe she is 8. EIGHT! Where did the time go! Seriously! Soon my lovebug boy will be 11....not ready for that either!

Soon Miss A will be getting baptized. This is a day that she has looked forward to for the last three years. When her brother got baptized she was 5...and she was VERY upset that she couldn't get baptized as well. Now it's her turn. I am not ready for my kids to grow up!

I wish I had a picture to put up of her, but my camera won't cooperate with downloading pictures for some reason. Happy Birthday my girl! I LOVE YOU!!

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